Date: 2013/2014
Supply Fabrications for Wave Protection of ESV / SDV & Control Box for Yadana Subsidence Project EPSC 2
Products commissioned: ProTek® Structural Composite Enclosures
Client: TOTAL Myanmar/PT Gunanusa
Location: Myanmar
Customer requirement/ problem
- Centennial wave slam protection enclosures for safety critical ESDV and BDV valves and associated equipment on 3 platforms
- Jet Fire and Blast protection required for the equipment
- Minimum weight to be added to the platforms
- Maintenance and operational access to equipment
- Enclosures designed to fit around existing platform layout, equipment and services
- Ventilation of equipment enclosures to maintain Zone 2 area classification
- Installation of enclosures without hot work so platforms remain operational
- Third party certification
ProTek® Solution
- 12 large enclosures housing several equipment items with rigid connection to platform deck structure
- High strength duplex frame supporting lightweight ProTek® structural composite panels
- Engineering using Finite Element Analysis techniques to verify structural performance
- Lightweight access panels incorporated into enclosures to suit operational requirements
- Use of 3D scan data of equipment to develop accurate designs
- 3D models developed to ensure good fit up and rapid assembly of enclosures around the ESDV and BDV Valves and associated equipment
- Ventilation details developed for regulatory requirement of air changes per hour
- Rapid installation by local personnel with SCS training and supervision support
- Enclosure designs rapidly developed using internet communication for regular design review across time zones
- Independent third party certification for all enclosures